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Pptx -> Pdf

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:07 pm
by taras.beschastnyi
I'm looking for the possibility to do the pptx conversion to pdf for my application (java) and finally came to here (several reasons).
It's great that now docx4j can handle the pptx files, however when I started to look for my need I found that PDF conversion works just for docx files now (I'm about last nightly build):
org.docx4j.convert,.out.pdf.viaXSLFO.Conversion class simply is just for WordprocessingMLPackage documents.

My questions:
- am I correct regarding no pptx -> pdf support now?
- are there any plans for it's implementation?
- is it a big amoung of work (would be great if somebody from lead developers can answer - some more or less precise estimate) as if it's reasonable time I would consider to contribute to the project.

Thanks, Taras

Re: Pptx -> Pdf

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:46 pm
by jason
Hi Taras

There is pptx export to SVG.

You could adapt that to go from SVG to PDF (via FOP + batik, say).

Whether that will work for you really depends on how much control you have over your input pptx (ie how much variety/features they use). If just basic text boxes, images and lines, then the PDF output should be OK.

The SVG export does not currently cater for arbitrary shapes; if you need these, you would need to implement that. Similarly for embedded objects etc. That is where the amount of work would be more substantial.

cheers .. Jason