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Is docx4j supporting LISTNUM field?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:05 pm
by frankguo
I am using docx4j 3.2.2 to generate docx and pdf. Everything works well except LISTNUM is ignored when generating pdf although the generated docx looks good. I am wondering whether doc4j doesn't support LISTNUM or I needs to do some configuration before generating pdf. If docx4j does not, is there a workaround to implement two list numbers in a same line which is actually what I want through the LISTNUM?

Thanks a lot.

Re: Is docx4j supporting LISTNUM field?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:55 am
by jason
Sorry, there is currently no support for LISTNUM in docx4j's FO based PDF output.

And nor is it currently supported in Plutext's commercial PDF Converter (though it is on our roadmap).

So your options:

1. some third party solution

2. add it yourself to the FO based PDF output. If you want to do this, the code to start with is at

3. contact me off-list to discuss the commercial PDF Converter.