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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: prefix dcterms not bound

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:12 pm
by ikola
Hi Jason,

When running the docx4j 2.7.1 on Jboss 5.1 with JDK 1.6 version getting the parsing error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.

When I run the same code as stand alone application it works fine.

Even on Jboss the XLSX parsing works but fails for PPTX .

On the server we have JAXB RI jars present.

Can you shed some light what may be causing this. This seems jar incompatibility issue.

Thank you

Here is full stack trace ...
20:13:07,406 INFO [Context] JAXB: Using RI
20:13:07,406 INFO [Context] loading Context jc20:13:12,653 INFO [Context] loaded com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl .. loading others ..
20:13:12,953 INFO [Context] .. others loaded ..
20:13:13,978 INFO [STDOUT] Existing facory using null20:13:13,992 INFO [STDOUT] After set facory using,937 INFO [FlatOpcXmlImporter] Creating org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.PresentationMLPackage20:13:14,942 INFO [Part] /_rels/.rels
20:13:14,946 INFO [FlatOpcXmlImporter] Object created for: /_rels/.rels20:13:14,947 INFO [Part] /docProps/core.xml20:13:14,948 ERROR [FlatOpcXmlImporter] prefix dcterms is not bound to a namespace20:13:14,955 ERROR [FlatOpcXmlImporter] <cp:coreProperties xmlns:cp=""><dc:title xmlns:dc="">My title</dc:title><dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Isaac Kola</dc:creator><cp:lastModifiedBy>Information Technology</cp:lastModifiedBy><cp:revision>215</cp:revision><dcterms:created xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">2010-01-19T01:06:55Z</dcterms:created><dcterms:modified xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">2012-02-24T06:40:45Z</dcterms:modified></cp:coreProperties>20:13:14,955 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: prefix dcterms is not bound to a namespace20:13:14,957 ERROR [STDERR] at com.sun.xml.bind.DatatypeConverterImpl._parseQName(