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Docx4j 3.3.5 released

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:15 pm
by jason
Version 3.3.5 is now released.

This is a minor release, motivated mainly by recent reports that documents created in Word 2016, then saved by docx4j, couldn't be re-opened in Word. So if you are processing documents saved from Word 2016, you should use this release.

This release is in Maven Central: ... .3.5%7Cjar

For MOXy users, there is also a corresponding release of docx4j-MOXy-JAXBContext: ... .3.5%7Cjar

Alternatively, you can get the release from
Just docx4j:
Docx4j + deps: ...

As previously, the zip file contains three optional components:

- export-fo (if you prefer that to Plutext's commercial PDF Converter)

- ImportXHTML, for importing XHTML to docx

- MOXy, to use EclipseLink MOXy as your JAXB implementation, instead of the Sun/Oracle reference implementation (or the variant they ship in Java)

There are artifacts in Maven Central corresponding to each of these.

Source code is available at or in a jar from Maven Central

Enjoy the new release!

cheers .. Jason

Notable Changes in Version 3.3.5

Support w16cid (commentsIds); see ... =office.12).aspx
(without this, document created in Word 2016 with recent updates, then saved by docx4j, couldn't be re-opened in Word)

Support w15symex (long hex replacement for symbol char); see ... =office.12).aspx

IBM Unmarshaller (usually used in WebSphere v7+) workaround for "errors limit exceeded" (same as Oracle JAXB)