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Docx4j 3.3.7 released

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:36 am
by jason
Version 3.3.7 is now released. Thanks to those that contributed.

This release is in Maven Central:

You'll see there releases of export-fo, ImportXHTML and MOXy-JAXBContext (these are 3.3.6, since unchanged)

Alternatively, you can get the release from

Just docx4j:
Docx4j + deps: ...

As previously, the zip file contains three optional components:

- export-fo (if you prefer that to Plutext's commercial PDF Converter)

- ImportXHTML, for importing XHTML to docx

- MOXy, to use EclipseLink MOXy as your JAXB implementation, instead of the Sun/Oracle reference implementation (or the variant they ship in Java)

As per above, there are artifacts in Maven Central corresponding to each of these.

Source code is available at or in a jar from Maven Central

Enjoy the new release!

cheers .. Jason

Notable Changes in Version 3.3.7

OpenDoPE: handle w15:databinding; FlatOPC processing fixes; component handling fixes

PDF Converter (commercial, not export-FO) defaults to https (port 443)

IBM JAXB detection improvements

various other fixes

Re: Docx4j 3.3.7 released

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 5:57 pm
by cookyrag
Are there any plans to port this release to the C# NUGET version , the current NUGET version is 3.3.2 which has the issue with the w16cid namespace so documents cannot be opened in Word 2016

Thank you

Re: Docx4j 3.3.7 released

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:27 am
by jason
Sorry, only saw this just now. Yes, a new .net/nuget release is coming in a couple of weeks.