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docx4j 3.4.0 release candidate - please test it

PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:04 pm
by jason
A docx4j 3.4.0 release candidate is now available.

So named because of the following notable changes:
- support for Java 9 and 10
- preserve mc:AlternateContent in a run

API breaking changes have been avoided, so it should be easy to get your code running against this for testing purposes.

You can get it with deps at ... or just the jar

For Maven users, it is also available at


See ... j/3.4.0-rc

You'll need to add that repo to your POM, via something like:


In the absence of issues causing delays, docx4j 3.4.0 will be released in 7 to 14 days.

So please test it, and let us know whether you notice any issues which affect your use case.

Thanks .. Jason

Notable Changes in Version 3.4.0

Support for Java 9 and 10 (see notes in README for use in Eclipse)
- Maven profiles for java 9 and 10
- Maven pom now specifies source & target 1.6 (previously 1.5)

Preserve mc:AlternateContent in a run. Previously, this would have caused mc-preprocessor
to be invoked, selecting one of the pieces of content.

Object model for wps ... ssingShape

Content Control databinding (and OpenDoPE)
- UpdateXmlFromDocumentSurface: Copy content control content back to the custom XML part, like Microsoft Word does for a content control
which has a w:databinding element
- improvements to migration (from eg VariableReplace)
- better support for binding standardised Answers format
- various other improvement

Write docx4j version as XML comment in MainDocument part.