Docx4j 8.1.1 released

docx4j 8.1.1 was published in Maven Central yesterday 29 June 2019.
Its a minor bugfix release, but recommended if you are processing XLSX files or your default encoding is not UTF-8.
To use it via Maven, just add one and only one of docx4j-JAXB-Internal, docx4j-JAXB-MOXy,
or docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl to your pom.
Otherwise, see
Minimum supported Java version is 8.0
The most notable changes in docx4j 8.1.1:
* Bugfix: specify UTF-8 in MainDocumentPartFilterOutputStream
* Support for embedded True Type Fonts. (Up until now, we only supported obfuscated embeddings)
Bugfix: Correct jcSML spreadsheetDrawing package name
Support mc:alternateContent in Workbook part (ie instead of dropping it)
Its a minor bugfix release, but recommended if you are processing XLSX files or your default encoding is not UTF-8.
To use it via Maven, just add one and only one of docx4j-JAXB-Internal, docx4j-JAXB-MOXy,
or docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl to your pom.
Otherwise, see
Minimum supported Java version is 8.0
The most notable changes in docx4j 8.1.1:
* Bugfix: specify UTF-8 in MainDocumentPartFilterOutputStream
* Support for embedded True Type Fonts. (Up until now, we only supported obfuscated embeddings)
Bugfix: Correct jcSML spreadsheetDrawing package name
Support mc:alternateContent in Workbook part (ie instead of dropping it)