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docx4j 11.4.10 and 8.3.10 released - following Word updates

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 3:54 pm
by jason
docx4j 11.4.10 and 8.3.10 are now available in Maven Central. For downloads, go to

The immediate driver for these releases is to ensure the namespace corresponding to the w16du is declared when docx4j manipulates a docx containing that prefix (which will be the case for documents edited in Word when the relevant update is pushed by Microsoft). ... l/word16du is new in [MS-DOCX] v19.0 of June 2023 and has now started to show up in Word releases. See further ... 230616.pdf Word writes the w16du namespace prefix to @mc:Ignorable in the MDP, so Word requires the namespace to also be declared.

Thanks to those who raised this issue.

These releases also include the following improvements:

- Improve load/save performance

- Bump dependencies

- export--fo: don't require user to set up FOUserAgent

- Miscellaneous small fixes