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Docx4j 11.4.11 released (for Java 11 and newer)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 10:40 am
by jason
docx4j 11.4.11 is now available in Maven Central. For downloads, go to

This is a minor release; its purpose is to address recent upstream security advisories for commons-compress and batik (used in export-fo) by using mitigated versions.

The logic behind the version number is as follows:
- its docx4j 11 since it targets Java 11; If you are not using Java 11 or later, you should stick with docx4j 8.3.10 (compiled for Java 8).
- it is docx4j 11.4, not 11.3, since this release uses jakarta.xml.bind (as opposed to the previous javax.xml.bind)

Since this release uses jakarta.xml.bind, rather than javax.xml.bind, if you have existing code which imports javax.xml.bind, you'll need to search/replace across your code base, replacing javax.xml.bind with jakarta.xml.bind. You'll also need to replace your JAXB jars (which Maven will do for you automatically; otherwise get them from the relevant zip file).

To use docx4j 11.4.11 via Maven, add either docx4j-JAXB-ReferenceImpl or docx4j-JAXB-MOXy to your pom. (and make sure your code imports jakarta.xml.bind, not javax.xml.bind)

docx4j 11.4.11 source code can be found in branch

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