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OpenDoPE - Edit & Remove Bindings

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:36 pm
by Siempre

A colleague of mine has a few questions about OpenDoPE, as mentioned here
He had posted a new topic here but the forum activity seems to be pretty low.
In order to avoid his topic (regarding a common project) to be forgotten, I repost it here.
My Colleague wrote:Hi,

I'm new with docx4j and OpenDoPE. I've created a word document that I use as template.
So I'm binding some parts of that document with OpenDoPE but I noticed 2 strange things and I want to know if it's normal.

1. I cannot edit a bound text area.
2. When I right click on a bound area and select "Remove Content Control". The binding seems to be removed. I say seems because when you open the customXml\item4.xml (in the package) the xpath element is still present.

I just want to know if it's normal or not and what are the possible workarounds in case it causes problems.



Re: OpenDoPE - Edit & Remove Bindings

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:12 pm
by jason
I will reply there, and delete this thread in a day or 2.