As explained in Getting Started, to find out, you'd create a suitable pptx in Powerpoint, save, unzip and inspect.
Here is what I found when I did that. In each case, note contents of a:bodyPr, including its @wrap:
Liquid layout ("resize shape to fit text"):
Using xml Syntax Highlighting
<a:bodyPr wrap="none" rtlCol="0">
<a:rPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0" smtClean="0"/>
<a:t>Liquid – resize shape to fit text
<a:endParaRPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0"/>
Parsed in 0.001 seconds, using
Other possibilities:-
Do not autofit (not so useful, on its own, since it is similar to the above)
Using xml Syntax Highlighting
<a:bodyPr wrap="none" rtlCol="0">
<a:rPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0" smtClean="0"/>
<a:t>Do not
<a:rPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0" err="1" smtClean="0"/>
<a:endParaRPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0"/>
Parsed in 0.002 seconds, using
Do not autofit; but wrap text in shape:
Using xml Syntax Highlighting
<a:bodyPr wrap="square" rtlCol="0">
<a:rPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0" smtClean="0"/>
<a:t>Do not
<a:rPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0" err="1" smtClean="0"/>
<a:endParaRPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0" smtClean="0"/>
<a:endParaRPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0"/>
<a:rPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0" smtClean="0"/>
<a:t>Wrap text in shape
<a:endParaRPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0"/>
Parsed in 0.002 seconds, using
Shrink text on overflow:
Using xml Syntax Highlighting
<a:bodyPr wrap="square" rtlCol="0">
<a:normAutofit fontScale="47500" lnSpcReduction="20000"/>
<a:rPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0" smtClean="0"/>
<a:t>Shrink text on overflow
<a:rPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0" smtClean="0"/>
<a:t>- only works if you have “wrap text in shape” selected
<a:endParaRPr lang="en-AU" dirty="0"/>
Parsed in 0.002 seconds, using
When you work out the Java code to do this (refer Getting Started), you might post your results here for the benefit of someone else. thanks!