Archive for October, 2011

docx4j 2.7.1 released

October 29th, 2011 by Jason

I’m pleased to announce the release of docx4j 2.7.1.  It was actually released 2 weeks ago, but this announcement has been delayed until I was able to publish the accompanying post on docx4j now being in Maven Central.

What is docx4j?

docx4j is an open source (Apache v2) library for creating, editing, and saving OpenXML “packages”, including docx, pptx, and xslx.  It is similar to Microsoft’s OpenXML SDK, but for Java rather than .NET.   It uses JAXB to create the Java objects out of the OpenXML parts.

Notable features for docx include export as HTML or PDF, and CustomXML databinding for document generation (including our OpenDoPE convention support for processing repeats and conditions).

The docx4j project started in October 2007.

What’s new?

This is mainly a maintenance release; things of note include:

  • Preparation for including docx4j in Maven Central
  • mc:AlternateContent preprocessor, allowing graceful degradation of Word 2010 specific content
  •, supports configuration of default page size, margins, orientation; also ability to set some of the doc props metadata (Application & AppVersion; dc.creator & dc.lastModifiedBy).
  • HtmlExporterNG2,(Pdf)Conversion, SvgExporter: storing any images is delegated to a
    ConversionImageHandler that may be passed as a conversion parameter. Default implementation: DefaultConversionImageHandler
  • OpenDoPE changes – see summary post in the sub-forum

Where do you get it?

Binaries: You can download a jar alone or a tar.gz with all deps or pick and choose.

Source: Checkout the source from SVN (use the pom.xml file to satisfy the dependencies eg with m2eclipse as explain in the Maven blog post, or download them from one of the links above)

Maven: From Maven Central; please see the blog post referenced above.

Getting Started

See the “Getting Started” guide.

Thanks to our contributors

A number of contributions have made this release what it is; thanks very much to those who contributed.

Contributors to this release and a more complete list of changes may be found in README.txt

Hello Maven Central

October 29th, 2011 by Jason

With version 2.7.1, docx4j – a library for manipulating Word docx, Powerpoint pptx, and Excel xlsx xml files in Java – and all its dependencies, are available from Maven Central.

This makes it really easy to get going with docx4j.  With Eclipse and m2eclipse installed, you just add docx4j, and you’re done.  No need to mess around with manually installing jars, setting class paths etc.

This post demonstrates that, starting with a fresh OS (Win 7 is used, but these steps would work equally well on OSX or Linux).

Step 1 – Install the JDK

For the purposes of this article, I used JDK 7, but docx4j works with Java 6 and 1.5.

Step 2 – Install Eclipse Indigo (3.7.1)

I normally download the version for J2EE developers. Unzip it and run eclipse

Step 3 – Install m2eclipse.

In Eclipse, click Help > Install New Software.

Type “” in the “Work with” field as shown:

then follow the prompts.

Step 4 – Create your Maven project

In Eclipse, File > New > Project.., then choose Maven project

You should see:

Check “Create a simple project (skip archetype selection)” then press next.

Allocate group and artifact id (what you choose as your artifact id will become the name of your new project in Eclipse):

Press finish

This will create a project with directories using Maven conventions:

(Note: If your starting point is a new or existing Java project in Eclipse, you can right click on the project, then choose Configure > Convert to Maven project)

Step 5 – Add docx4j to your POM

Double Click on pom.xml

Next click on the dependencies tab, then click the “add dependency” button, and enter the docx4j coordinates as shown in the image below:

The result is this pom:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Ctrl-S to save it.

m2eclipse may take some time to download the dependencies.

When it has finished, you should be able to see them:

Step 6 – Create

If you made a Maven project as per step 4 above, you should already have src/main/java on your build path.

If not, create the folder and add it.

Now add a new class:

import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage;

public class HelloMavenCentral {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.createPackage();
			.addStyledParagraphOfText("Title", "Hello Maven Central");

		wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addParagraphOfText("from docx4j!");
		// Now save it"user.dir") + "/helloMavenCentral.docx") );

Step 7 – Click Run

When you click run, all being well, a new docx called helloMavenCentral.docx will be saved.

You can open it in Word (or anything else which can read docx), or unzip it to inspect its contents.

Step 8 – Adding

One final thing. If you plan on creating documents from scratch using docx4j, it is useful to set paper size etc, via Put something like the following on your path:

# Page size: use a value from org.docx4j.model.structure.PageSizePaper enum
# eg A4, LETTER
# Page size: use a value from org.docx4j.model.structure.MarginsWellKnown enum

# Page size: use a value from org.pptx4j.model.SlideSizesWellKnown enum
# eg A4, LETTER

# These will be injected into docProps/app.xml
# if App.Write=true
# of the form XX.YYYY where X and Y represent numerical values

# These will be injected into docProps/core.xml


# If you haven't configured log4j yourself
# docx4j will autoconfigure it.  Set this to true to disable that

And that’s it. For more information on docx4j, see our Getting Started document.

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