Archive for September, 2014

XHTML-docx roundtrip: content tracking

September 8th, 2014 by Jason

There are a couple of common use cases for docx4j’s XHTML import capability:

The first is enabling a webapp with HTML reporting to output/export reports in Word’s docx format.  With docx4j, you can get really nice results doing this, especially if your XHTML has @class which map to Word styles.

The second – to support web based editing – is the subject of this post.  In a full incarnation, the vision is:

  • be able to edit the content in Word or in the web browser (using an XHTML editor such as CKEditor)
  • track chunks of content, perhaps for workflow/approval processes, version control, or re-use

docx4j can help you with this vision in a Java or .NET (eg C#) environment.

Web based XHTML editing is well understood, so here I’ll focus on tracking chunks of content.

In XHTML, its straightforward.  You can add div elements (eg <div id=”contentXYZ”>) to your heart’s content.  And you can nest them (think book, chapter, section, sub-section).

How to track that ID to or from docx format?

The answer: content controls.

Bookmarks are another possibility, but I wouldn’t recommend them for this purpose, because it is easy for a user to delete them, or inadvertently insert extra bookmarks.  They lack the rich features of content controls (eg locking), and aren’t very “XMLy” (they are pairs of start and end point tags which create additional challenges).

So, back to content controls.

Content controls are analogous to divs.  They have IDs; you can nest them; etc.

Content controls aside, the docx file format is flat.  Its a sequence of paragraphs and tables.  Its only inside tables that paragraphs also appear (and nested tables).

So, all we need to do convert divs to content controls, and vice versa.

This post tells you how to do that with docx4j.

XHTML to docx (div to content control)

For XHTML to docx, you use docx4j-ImportXHTML

div to content control support was added after 3.2.0’s release, in this commit.  So for now, you need to build from source, or use a nightly build.

Once you have that, to use it, do something like:

XHTMLImporterImpl XHTMLImporter = new XHTMLImporterImpl(wordMLPackage);
XHTMLImporter.setDivHandler(new DivToSdt());

That implementation will convert div elements to content controls, and place @id and @class values into the content control’s w:tag, for example “class=class1&id=myid”

You can extend DivToSdt with any extra functionality/logic you might require, such as locking the content control for editing/deletion.

docx to XHTML (content control to div)

The content control to div functionality has been present for a lot longer.

For that, you use docx4j to generate XHTML output in the usual way, but first you invoke SdtWriter.registerTagHandler

See the sample for a fully worked example of divs to content controls, then back to divs again.

The tag handler concept is to treat the content of the w:tag like an HTTP query string (key value pairs).

A tag handler is registered for a specific key (eg ‘id’, ‘class’) or the wildcards (‘*’, ‘**’), and will only execute if the key is found in the w:tag.

For this example, we want our tag handler to insert a div depending on both class and id keys, so we register it as ‘*’ (we don’t want 2 handlers, which might result in 2 divs).

A tag handler with double asterisk ‘**’ will always be applied if you need that.  See the SdtWriter source code for definitive behaviour.

C#/.NET: Import XHTML into docx without Word

September 5th, 2014 by Jason

How to convert import HTML into a Word document without using Microsoft Word?

Honouring the CSS, so the Word document looks similar to the input XHTML.  Alternatively, converting @class values to Word styles.

Its a common requirement in our increasingly web-centric world.

docx4j-ImportXHTML.NET is open source (LGPL v2.1 or later), identical to the Java version, but made into a DLL using IKVM.  Currently we’re at v3.2.0, released last week.

It is easy to test; with very little effort, you can run it from a sample project in Visual Studio.  Its very easy, because docx4j-ImportXHTML.NET is in the repository:

To create your sample project:

  1. make sure you have NuGet Package Manager installed
    • for VS 2012 and later, its installed by default
    • for VS 2010, NuGet is available through the Visual Studio Extension Manager; see the above link.
  2. create a new project in Visual Studio (File > New > Project).  A Console Application is fine.  I chose that from the .NET 3.5 list.
  3. from the Tools menu, choose NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console
  4. type Install-Package docx4j-ImportXHTML.NET

You should see something like:

And then, your project/solution will be populated to look like:

We’re nearly there!  Notice the docx4j-ImportXHTML DLL, and the file src/samples/c_sharp/docx/ConvertInXHTMLFragment.cs.  Most of the rest of the stuff comes from the docx4j dependency, which NuGet fetches.

If you have a look at ConvertInXHTMLFragment.cs, you’ll see it contains

Let’s run it, to convert that xhtml to docx content.

Click on your project in Solution Explorer, then right click (or hit Alt+Enter) to get the properties pane:

Then set the “startup object” as shown in the above image.

Now you can hit Ctrl+F5 (“Start without Debugging”) – you don’t want to debug, since that’s really slow.

You should see some logging in the console window, culminating in something like:

You can see there the WordML equivalent for the tail of the XHTML list we were converting.

Obviously, you can modify src/samples/c_sharp/Docx4NET/DocxToPDF.cs to read your own XHTML.

A few comments.

Well formed XML! Only well formed XML works, ie XHTML, not tag-soup HTML.  If you have tag soup, its your responsibility to convert that to XHTML with some tidy tool.   You’ll get a SAXParseException if your input is not well formed.

Word styles: if the target docx contains a style matching @class, it can be used.  This’ll be the subject of a separate blog post.

Other examples: the Java repository on GitHub contains examples for reading from a file etc.  Converting these to C# is left as an exercise for the reader.  If you do that, we’d be delighted to receive a pull request on

Logging, Commons Logging. Logging is via Commons Logging.  In the demo, it is configured programmatically (ie in  DocxToPDF.cs).  Alternatively, you could do it in app.config.

OpenXML SDK interop: src/main/c_sharp/Plutext/Docx4NET contains code for converting between a docx4j representation of a docx package, and the Open XML SDK’s representation.

Improving XHTML import support. To implement a new feature in the XHTML import, typically you’d make the improvement to docx4j-ImportXHTML first (ie the Java version), then create a new DLL using the ant build target dist.NET.   docx4j-ImportXHTML is on GitHub, and is most easily setup using Maven (see earlier blog post).

Alternatives. There are a couple of projects on CodePlex you could try:

I’d be interested in feedback on how they compare.

Help/support/discussion. You can post in the docx4j XHTML import forum, or on StackOverflow (be sure to use tag docx4j, plus some/all of c#, docx, xhtml etc as you think appropriate).  Please don’t cross post at both!

docx to PDF in C#/.NET

September 5th, 2014 by Jason

How to convert docx to PDF without using Microsoft Word?

If you docx is mainly text, tables and images, docx4j.NET may work well for you.  Edit (Feb 2015): if not, you may be interested in our new commercial high fidelity PDF renderer.

docx4j.NET is open source (Apache software license v2), identical to the Java version, but made into a DLL using IKVM.  Currently we’re at v3.2.0, released last week.

It is easy to test; you can upload your docx to the docx4j demo webapp

Or with very little effort, you can run it from a sample project in Visual Studio.  Its very easy, because docx4j.NET is in the repository:

To create your sample project:

  1. make sure you have NuGet Package Manager installed
    • for VS 2012 and later, its installed by default
    • for VS 2010, NuGet is available through the Visual Studio Extension Manager; see the above link.
  2. create a new project in Visual Studio (File > New > Project).  A Console Application is fine.  I chose that from the .NET 3.5 list.
  3. from the Tools menu, choose NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console
  4. type Install-Package docx4j.NET

You should see something like:

And then, your project/solution will be populated to look like:

We’re nearly there!  Notice the file src/samples/c_sharp/Docx4NET/DocxToPDF.cs

Click on your project in Solution Explorer, then right click (or hit Alt+Enter) to get the properties pane:

Then set the “startup object” as shown in the above image.

Now you can hit Ctrl+F5 (“Start without Debugging”) – you don’t want to debug, since that’s really slow.

You should see some logging in the console window, culminating in “done! Press any key to continue..”

What just happened?  All being well, the sample docx “src\samples\resources\sample-docx.docx” was saved as a PDF “OUT_sample-docx.pdf” in your project directory.

You can modify src/samples/c_sharp/Docx4NET/DocxToPDF.cs to read your own test docx.

A few comments.

XSL FO; Apache FOP. docx4j creates PDF via XSL FO.  It generates XSL FO, then uses Apache FOP (v1.1) to convert the XSL FO to PDF.  FOP also supports other output formats (the subject of another blog post).

Logging, Commons Logging. Logging is via Commons Logging.  In the demo, it is configured programmatically (ie in  DocxToPDF.cs).  Alternatively, you could do it in app.config.

OpenXML SDK interop: src/main/c_sharp/Plutext/Docx4NET contains code for converting between a docx4j representation of a docx package, and the Open XML SDK’s representation.

Improving PDF support. To improve the quality of the PDF output, typically you’d make the improvement to docx4j first (ie the Java version), then create a new DLL using the ant build target dist.NET.   docx4j is on GitHub, and is most easily setup using Maven (see earlier blog post).

Help/support/discussion. You can post in the docx4j PDF output forum, or on StackOverflow (be sure to use tag docx4j, plus some/all of c#, docx, pdf, fop, xslfo as you think appropriate).  Please don’t cross post at both!