Nov 25 2007

plutext-server released under GNU Affero General Public License v3

The plutext-server code is now checked in.

Actually I checked it in on Friday, but I’ve spent the weekend wrestling with Axis 2 – first, to specify a Maven 2 POM which deploys the correct JARs; and second, to have Eclipse WTP deploy the web service to it (rather than talking in Axis 1 terms).  See notes in the wiki.

The Word 2007 client will follow next week, at which point you’ll be able to set up both client and server in your development environment, and collaborate on some documents!

The release 7 days ago of the GNU Affero General Public License v3  was perfectly timed, because I wanted to use a GPL-like license for the plutext server code, but without the SAAS loophole.

And so a few days behind  Fabrizio’s announcement, you can actually see the license on our code :)

One Response so far

  1. 1

    admin said,

    November 27, 2007 @ 2:24 pm

    Hmmm, spent yesterday sorting out a couple of remaining issues with the Axis 2 migration.

    The first was a Microsoft interop issue, triggered by the WSDL generated by Axis 2 containing minOccurs=”0″. See the wiki entry on this.

    The second was Axis 2’s different way of getting the ServletContext.

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