Nov 28 2013

docx4j 3.0 and Maven

blog/2011/10/hello-maven-central/ walks you through the basics of using docx4j in an Eclipse project with the help of m2eclipse.

This post is about the different ways you can set up docx4j 3.0 with the help of Maven.

We’ll be using the following skeleton pom.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
		some description


		<!-- dependencies go here -->



Adding the core dependency

To use docx4j, including its LGPL XHTML import capability, just include the following dependency in your pom.xml:


That’ll drag in docx4j, and all the other dependencies (you should be able to see then in Eclipse under Maven Dependencies, or by running mvn dependency:tree at a command prompt).
If you don’t want the XHTML import stuff, just use:


(You should consider adding a to your classpath)
Both of the above default to using log4j.  If you are happy with log4j, you’ll want a log4j.xml file unless you already have it on your classpath.  If you don’t, you can configure to suit.
If you want to use something other than log4j for logging, well you can, since docx4j uses slf4j.
First you need to exclude the log4j stuff.


Then you add in the dependencies for your other logging frameworks.   See further and slf4j in
docx4j relies very heavily on JAXB.  With Java 6 or 7, usually it’ll use the JAXB included in that (though things can be different with application servers – see the deployment forums for details).
The point here is that there is an alternative JAXB implementation, called EclipseLink MOXy (see, which is very well supported by its developers.  You can try it with docx4j.  To do so, just include the following additional dependencies:




Since using MOXy with docx4j is all quite new, you may run into some minor issues.  If you do, please let us know in the docx4j forums (with sufficient info for us to reproduce what you are seeing!).  Thanks.

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